The financial and emotional costs of relying on only family care for our parents, grandparents and friends no longer needs to be so burdensome. Our community can and already does share in the responsibility. Thriving In Place counts on the support of Celebration residents of all ages, whether it be through volunteering or by supporting the FRIENDS OF THRIVE – GIVING TREE.
Sponsorship Levels
Seedlings: $100
Lunch & Learn
Roots: $250
Lunch & Learn
Trunk: $500
Lunch & Learn, and recognized in the upcoming newsletter
Branch: $1000
Lunch & Learn, and recognized in the next three newsletters
Crown: $2500
Recognized in the newsletter for the next year, and invited to be an Honored Guest
or Guest Speaker at a Lunch & Learn
Tree of Life: $3500
In addition to the above, we provide a link to your website off the TIP website,
ongoing advertisement in the newsletter, and an invitation to be an
Honored Guest at a Thrive After Hours event.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Thriving In Place member or a Friend of Thrive, please contact Mary Pat Rosenthal, at 407-572-9850.