
Please come and join our team as an Office Administrator

A part-time job as an Office Administrator is available with Celebration Foundation. Your teammates will be a small but mighty team of professionals. Our values guide our decision-making, maximizing our efforts to serve people in our County in meaningful ways. If you look at the community as a potluck, we are the kitchen table that strives to bring everyone together and support the dishes. We value bright people with open hearts and open minds who can create a warm and inviting experience for everyone. Click to apply!

Please come and join our team as an Office Administrator2024-07-01T15:17:41-04:00

Celebration Lifelong: An Honorable Treat

Celebration Lifelong’s courses, lectures, and other activities had strong ending last Fall. With Lifelong’s dozens of opportunities for engagement at all levels, one of the highlights was the final class session of the class “A Citadel of Democracy: A History of The United States Capitol Building.” Offered by Mark Hayes, this [...]

Celebration Lifelong: An Honorable Treat2023-01-06T13:21:47-05:00
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